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July 31, 2008


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Faith Gaspare

That's my father in law would like to express my feelings. My husband and father in law thinks I am acting out. to me it is hurtful. People don't like me to show my feelings because it is my way of not being myself and honoring their feelings. Sister in laws told me,"I should show my feelings even if the men in my life don't like it."

Hi A.J.,

I'm so grateful to read your post -- one of only two postings referencing this term that I have been able to find (the other one is an organization called AAPEL in France at

I am also in Canada, on the West Coast, and have posted links to AAPEL and this page on my blog. I am newly diagnosed with bdp, and definitely a quiet one, though I am quite expressive and emotive, just not anger or aggression.

Do you know of other resources for Quiet Borderlines? Do you know who coined the term?

Blessings and thanks, HJ

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