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« The Deeper Hunger of the Borderline - Affect Hunger and The Shame of Abandonment | Main | Borderline Personality And the Relationship Dance of I hate you, don't Leave Me »

June 14, 2008


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Do you think that the childhood "core" abandonment issue or incident - or that which is later perceived as such - is time critical ? That is, do you think that there may be certain quite specific times or growth stages where any sort of abandonment will have more significant after effects than had it happened at some other point in childhood ? Do you think that there may be some very key/crucial times in childhood where any such incident or occurrence , even either only overtones of abandonment, may be particularly devastating.

I ask because abandonment situations may not be incredibly uncommon in childhood unfortunately, and of course there may well be many people who as children experienced some incident which they may have mis perceived as abandonment and yet - and I am not sure of the statistics on this - but not all of course go on to develop BPD or indeed any sort of Mental Health disorder or maladjustment.

I am sure that there are many factors that come into play, such as perhaps a genetic predisposition, individual temperament, variation in environment etc but perhaps also the sheer timing of the event may be a factor ?

I agree that any attempt to truly "understand" how the mind of someone with active BPD works is futile and possibly even a touch arrogant (who am I try to get into the workings of someone else's psyche?) but rather than wondering why some people go on to develop BPD or similar, I do wonder perhaps why more people DON'T.

Same or similar ingredients apparently but with markedly different results after its "out of the oven" so to speak.

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