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April 11, 2008


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Ming OnMongo

Hi, A.J..... am pleasantly surprised to stumble on your site (and hear about your own journey), while I was looking for info. and some personal experience about the "push/pull" phenomenon in BP's & NP's. Am reasonably sure I'm experiencing the same pattern while getting to know a woman who often seems to be "late" for our get-togethers (usually by several hours, along with little or no explanation when she finally arrives)! And I notice they seem to occur mostly after we've just had a period of greater emotional intimacy. She also has some other behaviors & history that match the BPD/NPD "profile".
My kudos to 'ya, and it's encouraging to hear that there are folks who're able to come to some awareness of Borderline behaviors in themselves, and can overcome it (because I keep reading that it's "incurable")! But however difficult it is for all involved to deal with sometimes, personally I think it's important to still remember that nobody ever asked to be a BP or NP, and so rather than just assigning various "victim" and "perp" labels, I think we all share some responsibility in helping each other to try to work thru our respective "stuff".

In any case, nice work, and thank you!

Best Regards, -M.

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